
Posts Tagged ‘life is good’

This last weekend Ben graduated from High School! Not only did he graduate, but he graduated with High Honors (GPA over 3.50). Pretty good for a kid who really didn’t care that much about school most of the time.IMG_1034-001

After the graduation we hosted a BBQ at our house. We figured this was easier than trying to coordinate a meal out, especially considering all the area High Schools had graduation on the same day. A month or so ago we’d talked with Jane (the Kids’ Mom) and she’d offer to do the food if we’d provide the location. Easy enough – done.

One of the things that’s truly good about my situation is how well all the “parental figures” get along. Jane has always treated me well. Because of the Husband’s job, Jane and I often end up at Kid events together and she will always hold a seat for me; she’ll chat with me and introduce me to the other parents. I know I’m lucky in this respect. So, anyway, at our BBQ it was myself, the Husband, the four Kids, Jane, her parents and my parents. Poor Husband had both his ex-in-laws and his current in-laws in our house at the same time!

It was a GREAT time – the weather was perfect, Ben looked great in his graduation gown, both my mom and I cried during the graduation speeches, everyone got along and enjoyed themselves at the BBQ.

Sometimes steplife is really really hard…but some days, it’s just life, and it’s even fun.

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