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“Our mothers shape the way we see the world, and this, here in my domain, is not her mother’s culture. To be a kid plunged into another mother’s universe has got to make everything feel upside down.”

via Nina Lorez Collins: Stepfamilies: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

There is so much truth in that quote. But it goes both ways…in the article the author is a mother of her own children and she empathizes with her stepdaughter. In my life, I have no children of my own, so instead of shaping the culture of my own home, my stepkids invade and start to alter the culture that exists when they are not there, simply because, without kids of my own, there is nothing “concrete” to maintain, to redirect. As much as my house would be my universe to “my” kids, until I have them, my house rotates between my universe and the universe of my stepkids’ mom.

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