
Posts Tagged ‘emergencies’

Husband likes to know we’re all prepared in case of an emergency and that includes having emergency cash on hand. We gave Ben some to keep in his wallet once he started driving and periodically Husband will check to see that his still has it. The expectation is that if he uses it, it will be for a VERY good and justifiable reason.

Well, Torey just started driving and Husband decided to give her some emergency cash as well. Sounds reasonable, right? Sure…except for two things: 1) because of some recent large purchases, Torey has no money right now and 2) she leaves on a four-day school trip today. Temptation thy name is CASH!

So I mentioned to Husband (and yes, this made me feel like Evil Stepmom) that he should probably check with her, after her trip, that she still has it. Part of me honestly thinks she’ll spend it. Part of me thinks she won’t. For Husband’s sake I hope she doesn’t. The Evil Stepmom kind of hopes she does.

Why do I “hope” she does? Torey has figured out how to live without parental structure or consequences. Her Mother has founds it’s easier to just let her do her own thing (luckily Torey, at this point, isn’t a Bad Kid). And Husband, well through Torey’s manipulation of her schedule and her “overwhelming” homework, only actually sees/interacts with her for about 20 min each week. Husband is a Good Dad and I think if there were an opportunity where he could impose some legitimate consequences would be good.

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